STM32F4 Discovery on Linux

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Interface tools

To interface with the STM32F4 Discovery board, download and install the stlink tools:

   sudo apt-get install build-essential dh-autoreconf libusb-1.0-0-dev
   git clone
   cd stlink
   sudo make install

You will need to give permissions for regular (non-root) users to use these tools. This should probably be done with the sudoers file (if you use sudo on your system), but this should work universally:

   sudo chmod u+s $( which st-flash ) $( which st-util )

Building code

To compile code for the STM32F4 Discovery board, you will need these dependencies:

   sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-arm-none-eabi

Here is a code template:

   git clone blink
   cd blink
   rm -rf .git/
   make flash

Flashing a program

If you're using the code template (from above), use this:

   make flash

To flash manually (if you're not using the template from above):

   sudo st-flash write bin/main.bin 0x8000000

Debugging a program

Run this command in one terminal


This connects ST tools to the device. The LED on the board will blink to solid green.

Run this command in another terminal:

   arm-none-eabi-gdb bin/main.elf
       (gdb) target extended localhost:4242
       (gdb) load
       (gdb) continue

After the `target` and `load` commands, the board's LED will blink to slid green. After the `continue` command (while the program is running), it will flash between green and red.