Over the last month we’ve made stuff with Sugru, learned how to cut stuff out of foam, and sent the first plastic through our new 3D printer. Coming up in August we have another Instructables build night where we will build stuff from a grab bag of assorted electronic parts. There will be a training workshop to learn how to use the new 3D printer. MakeICT member James has started hanging out at the makerspace every other Wednesday to help with any electronics questions (watt is this!?) or repairs. There is a microbus that needs some TLC and we need someone to spearhead that project. We are also planning a clean up day at the end of August to get the space more organized and could use help from everyone that day. See you at Bluebird!
August 12: Public hours from 7 to 9 pm at Bluebird – Instructables build night with Jameco grab bag!
August 14: “Watt is this!?” Wednesday with James from 6 to 8 pm at Bluebird
August 17: Intro to 3D printers from 10 am to 4 pm at Bluebird
August 26: Public hours from 7 to 9 pm at Bluebird
August 28: “Watt is this!?” Wednesday with James from 6 to 8 pm at Bluebird
August 31: Clean up and organizing day starting at 10 am at Bluebird