What a year 2013 was, and 2014 is looking like it’s going to be even busier!
January has come to a close. We had an ABC’s of Electronics class that apparently left people wanting more; we won’t leave you hanging. A series of electronics classes are in the works. We began the process of providing 24 hour access to the space!
We’ve also been working with the Riverfest planning committee to provide some STEM-related activities, but there is one or two other perks as well. Be sure to look for the bus in the parade!
This month, John Harrison announced that he will be running a joint project with Maize schools, Chamber Music at the Barn, and his Service Learning course at Wichita State. The project, called MakeAXE, will teach Maize students to make their own electronic instruments using Pure Data, culminating in a Spring concert with their DIY instruments!
We wrapped up the month with the 2014 Kickoff Mixer. We teamed up with UpFront Wichita, Code & Coffee, and Startup Wichita to help bring makers and creatives in the Wichita area under one roof to celebrate the possibilities 2014 has.
Don’t think after January we are going to slow down. We have already had a Pure Data primer on February 1st. Coming up we have a toner transfer workshop on the 15th. We’ll also have a presence at the Society of Women Engineer’s Expo on the 22nd, and I am pretty sure there is a foam cutting workshop in there somewhere. Along with bus Thursdays, “Watt’s This?” Wednesdays, and our biweekly open hack nights, February is sure to be busy!