September Update

Posted: September 7, 2018 11:02 pm

MakeICT September News

September is always a very busy month at MakeICT and this year is no exception. Thanks everyone for jumping in and getting involved! Here are the highlights:

Join us every Sunday evening to build an epic magic firetruck wheelchair for a very cool kid in need! We need to raise about $1500 for supplies – pitch in at

Finalize your donation for our 2018 Art Auction.on September 28th. Items will be on display starting the week before and bidding ends on Final Friday. Spread the word for our biggest fundraising event of the year.

We have big items to talk about at the September 16th Quarterly Meeting. First, we have an open board member spot. We are accepting nominations and a vote will be sent out if more than one candidate accepts. Second, we will hear from the new building committee about possible new homes for MakeICT. We do not have a proposal ready for you to vote on, but activity around our future is happening fast and we need you involved. Moving is a big deal that cannot happen without a vote of the membership behind it.

Speaking of being involved – committee signup is happening now. Whether you want to lead or just participate in a committee, please sign up! We will assign leads at the September 20th board meeting and leads will recruit their members from the signup list.

Open Streets is Sunday September 23rd and we would love to have you volunteer!

We’ve started a Chili for Charity team. Staff a booth and hang out with us on September 22nd.

There is a monthly creator challenge to see who can make something amazing with just a pair of 2x4s by the end of September.

This month’s featured maker is ceramics contributor Michelle LeFavor.

As always, tell us about your projects in the forum and have a wonderful month of making!