Becoming a MakeICT member is an easy way to support this community effort and resource. You will help awesome people do awesome things. There are a few steps to getting in an making the most of your membership. These can mostly be done in any order:
- Maker Monday – Attending one of these is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. We will give you a full rundown of who we are and what we are all about. Please show up promptly at start time as it will be quite an extensive tour.
- Waiver – this is required for insurance purposes and is expected of everyone who sets foot on MakeICT property.
- Membership Application – once submitted, we will do a couple checks before your application is approved.
- New Member Orientation – After application approval, you are now ready to attend an orientation. We will give you some detailed information that you need to know as an official member. You’ll have a more function-oriented tour of the space (think circuit breakers and cleaning supplies), learn about our procedures and expectations. You will also have an informal interview that will let us get to know you before you are assigned a key.
Highly recommended, but not required for members and non-members alike is to join the MakeICT forum, as that is the main place where discussion of projects, help requests, and things at the space.
Existing members can visit the membership page to manage their accounts.