Laser Cutter Reservations

To make a laser cutter reservation, you must:

  1. Ask to join the Laser Cutter Authorization google group
  2. Add to your google calendar by clicking here or by clicking the “+Google Calendar” button on the embedded calendar below
  3. Visit to add or edit events.
  4. Make sure that you select the reservation calendar when you create your event. If it shows up on this page you’re all set.
  5. If you have any issues with this process you can contact for assistance.

Reservation guidelines:

  1. Only authorized users can use the laser cutter
  2. Reservations should be made at least 12 hours in advance of reserved time
  3. Limit total reservation time to 10 hours per month
  4. Only two future reservations on the calendar at any one time
  5. No more than 4 hours per reservation
  6. Be excellent to each other – let others tag in for small jobs
  7. Complete all design work before moving to the laser cutter computer

Please only reserve one laser at a time, unless you are making a reservation for a MakeICT class or event. Always specify which laser you are reserving (Mario or Luigi), even if you can use either one.
