December update

December 5, 2015 2:43 am


Gift memberships

Gift memberships to MakeICT are now available!These are a great idea because anybody you give a membership to can use the MakeICT makerspace to make gifts to give back to you! It’s brilliant!

Lounge projector

The lounge space at MakeICT is now 65%* more lounge-y! Jeremiah saw an opportunity to make better use of the space in the lounge, and he nailed it. He also cleaned out the filter on a donated projector and connected some of the donated video game consoles. Nice work! Check out that sweet Tetris-action in the photo below.
(*this number is guaranteed to be made up)


What we’ve been up to

Electronics Lab Clean out

The Electronics Lab at MakeICT has been totally cleaned out, organized, and re-assembled! We had about 20 volunteers over one weekend who helped make this possible, and the lab looks great! Checkout the album on Facebook for some before and after shots!



Gel printing workshop with Skyler

November’s featured workshop was an introduction to Gel Printing. Skyler taught attendees how easy it is to make a simple gel mold and how to use them to transfer paint and ink. The gel is made with simple ingredients and can be cleaned/re-used. The only limits to the prints are your imagination!


Outreach at Irving Elementary

A group of 4th and 5th graders at Irving Elementary had a special treat when Tom and Dom came down to talk to them about inventing. We shared some of our personal projects, professional work, and things we’ve done at/with/for the makerspace – including Tom’s foam cutting machine! After sharing our story, the students received foam robot kits to punch-out and assemble, and everyone had a great time!


What’s coming up

December 5: Operation Connectivity

We’re upgrading our network! A small group of dedicated volunteers has mapped out a full plan to improve the reliability and robustness of the network and wifi throughout the MakeICT. This work will be instrumental in other projects/plans we have planned that will rely on a good network.

December 5: Build a step-stool workshop with Jerry


The object of this workshop is to build a small pine wooden step stool, kids size, to use to get a drink or to stand on to brush teeth. This is an entry level workshop that will demonstrate use of several tools in the woodshop, and a follow on workshop will be hosted in the future to make a rustic step stool.

MakeICT member Jerry Carpenter is our workshop host who is a woodworker extraordinaire specializing in hand made rustic items. He is also a member of the Sunflower Woodworker Guild.

Note: you must be certified in the woodshop to enroll in this course.

December 5: Laser cutter certification with Mike D (full)

This certification course is available to active MakeICT members who want to learn how to use the laser cutter. Completion of this workshop grants the necessary certification to use the laser cutter.

December 7: devICT LevelUp!

Do you want to learn to code? Or maybe you already code and want to sharpen your skills? Maybe learn a new language, framework, or tool? Level Up is the event for you, so bring your laptop and start learning!

This is a self-learning event with mentors available to help push you in the right direction, or even figure out where you want to go in the first place.

December 12: Coffee Roasting Workshop with Dean


Dean’s going to demonstrate the process of roasting and brewing your own coffee starting with green beans. Topics covered will include:

  • History of Coffee
  • Home Coffee Roasting
  • What to Roast
  • How to Roast

After his demonstration, Dean will help anyone who wants to roast their own coffee if they bring the necessary equipment. This includes:

  • Hot air popcorn popper
  • A single Chop Stick
  • Green Coffee
  • French Press
  • Coffee Grinder

Our instructor Dean is a MakeICT member and retired from Boeing. He has been roasting coffee for about 5 years and is a self-described coffee crank. He’s also active in the local blacksmithing group.

Visit the MakeICT forum for any questions and discussion about this workshop.

December 12: Laser cutter certification with Mike D (full)

This will be a repeat of the December 5th Laser Cutter certification workshop

December 14: Laser Cutter certification with Dominic

This certification course is available to active MakeICT members who want to learn how to use the laser cutter. Completion of this workshop grants the necessary certification to use the laser cutter.

December 14: Maker Monday (+new member orientation)

Every other Monday is a Maker Monday! We open our doors to the public at 7pm and invite people to bring a project, bring a friend, or just bring themselves. There’s always something interesting going on! The first Maker Monday of each month is also new member orientation, which starts at 7:15.

December 15: Intro to 3D printing/modeling with Dominic

This is a gentle introduction to 3d printing and modeling for beginners. Topics include:

  • What is 3D printing
  • 3D printing workflow
    • Finding and creating 3D models
    • Slicing
    • Printing
  • How to use the Ultimaker 2

December 16: Laser Cutter certification with Dominic

This will be a repeat of the December 14th Laser Cutter certification workshop.

December 16: Woodshop safety with Mike H

Learn the basics to safely operate the major woodshop tools in this safety class, including understanding the limitations of each tool, the forces created when using the tool, and how to maintain safe control for improved performance. Tools covered include: SawStop table saw, drill press, band saw, wood lathe, router table, jointer, planer, miter saw, oscillating spindle and belt / disk sanders, and scroll saw.

Members who attend and successfully pass the class quiz, are authorized to use the woodshop equipment whenever you work at MakeICT!

Space is limited, so register now!

December 17: Build a step stool workshop with Jerry

This will be a repeat of the December 5th step stool workshop.

December 17: Intro to 3D printing/modeling with Dominic

This will be a repeat of the December 15th 3D printing and modeling workshop.

December 18: Laser Cutter certification with Dominic

This will be a repeat of the December 14th Laser Cutter certification workshop.

December 19: Intro to 3D printing/modeling with Dominic

This will be a repeat of the December 15th 3D printing and modeling workshop.

December 20: Laser Cutter certification with Dominic

This will be a repeat of the December 14th Laser Cutter certification workshop.

December 28: Maker Monday

Every other Monday is a Maker Monday! We open our doors to the public at 7pm and invite people to bring a project, bring a friend, or just bring themselves. There’s always something interesting going on!