July 2013 Update

Posted: July 10, 2013 5:06 pm

A lot is happening around here!  We are making good progress on building our very own 3D printer.  We had a fun maker gathering with lots of food, including smoked bacon from an Arduino-controlled smoker.  We had a booth at the Kansas City Maker Faire where we displayed maker Dustin’s awesome LED PONG game.  We made our first cuts with the CNC milling machine.  What’s next?!  Be sure to come to the open house the evening of July 15 when we will be playing with rubbery Sugru (it’s kind of like Flubber!).  If you are interested in learning how to do your own CNC work, don’t miss the foam cutting workshop, which will serve as the first step toward learning how to use MakeICT’s CNC milling machine.  See you there!


July 15: Public hours from 7 to 9 pm at Bluebird – Instructables build night with Sugru!

July 20: Intro to CNC – A Foam Cutting Workshop

July 29: Public hours from 7 to 9 pm at Bluebird


This will be our first month participating in an Instructables build night.  Watch for another similar event in August where we play with a 555 timer.